A federal Labor backbencher has backed a call for Australia to take more refugees.
Australia could and should increase its refugee intake from the current level of 13,750 a year - about six per cent of the total migrant intake - to 20,000, Kelvin Thomson said.
news link
my concern on this is about islamic refugees.
i emailed the following to this backward m.p. prick....
Sent: Wednesday, 24 February 2010 2:25:41 PM
To: kelvin.thomson.mp@aph.gov.au
thank you for giving me a renewed faith in my opinion on politicians.....
your all a bunch of dickheads..
what the hell makes you think that taking in a larger intake of asylum seekers would make an impact on people smugglers ?
for that to work you would have to take in hundreds of thousands of them, and who is going to foot the bill for them ?
you ? i dont bloody well think so..
and i suppose you would have to hurry along the process of melding these people into society, perhaps not even finding out if these so-called refugees are the real thing,
which would be a big mistake in this day and age...
australia should refuse point blank the entering of any islamics wether they be immigrants or refugees, we dont need them...
at the moment there is a danger of islamic terrorism within our own shores, not to mention the ever growing list of crimes committed by these people, many of these people are our sworn enemy because of their allegiance to arsehole allah and the racist religion of islam, and it pisses me off that idiots like you bend over backwards to allow the enemy into our country.
its time you idiot dogooders woke up to yourselves.
fair dinkum, these politician arseholes make me sick, not content at having 100 thousand immigrants per year (which is a controlled process), they want to cut immigration and allow in more so-called refugees, ALL of whom nobody has any idea on who they are....
dont these arsehole politicians learn ?
what about the recent plan to attack an aussie army base, these pricks were somalis and lebs, the lebs come from immigrants, and the somalis are refugees...
we dont need these pricks in our country, and how many that have already arrived are potential terrorists ?
even osama bin ladens half brother lives here ffs.
muslims, cant live with them, cant kill them, its time to change the rules.
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