its a good thing aussies aren't that stupid... or are they ?
We use 'biblical' weapons, ADF..........___________________________________________________________
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is using US-made gunsights with biblical references etched on them as they fight the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The ADF has several hundred of the sights, which are renowned by elite troops for their accuracy over long range, The Australian reports.
The gunsights, also used by US, British and New Zealand troops, have caused concern among military leaders that they may fuel views among extremists that the West is waging a war against Islam.
READ MORE: US firm backs off on 'Bible' scopes
Among the coded inscriptions were JN8:12, an apparent reference to John 8:12: "When Jesus spoke again to the people he said 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.'"
The ADF confirmed on Thursday it had been unaware of the meaning of the inscription when the sights were issued to troops.
"The Department of Defence was unaware of the significance of the manufacturer's serial number," the spokesman said.
"The sights were procured because they provide mature technology which is highly reliable, in wide use by our allies and best meet Defence requirements. Soldiers are confident in the utility of the sight and the positive and proven effect which it is having on operations."
The Wixom, Michigan-based maker of the sights, Trijicon, has a multi-year, $US660 million ($A726.55 million) contract with the US Marine Corps and other contracts with the US Army to supply the sights.
The ADF is investigating how to remove biblical references etched on to gunsights.
New Zealand's defence force said on Thursday Biblical citations on markings on weapon sights used by its troops in Afghanistan would be removed as they were inappropriate, said defence force spokesman Major Kristian Dunne
news link
what ? who do these idiots think have been waging war on the west for decades using terror tactics ?
The gunsights, also used by US, British and New Zealand troops, have caused concern among military leaders that they may fuel views among extremists that the West is waging a war against Islam.
(i expect this kind of shit from new zealand, cos' most of them are completely fucking weird...)
the armed forces are worried that extremists might get upset if we use gunsights with biblical scripture inscribed on them ?
i would have thought that the shooting part alone would upset the stupid extremist arseholes.
what the armed forces really should be worried about is how to minimise damage to our own troops when these extremists shoot back......
and i know that the armed forces are probably referring to ALL extremists ie: those who are not yet engaged in battle, and also the 99.9% of imams who preach death and destruction against the infidel...
bloody hell, look at the wars in afghanistan and iran, who are the enemy ?
apparently the armed forces don't know this, but its "islamics" ! bloody extremely pissed off ones at that....
for the sake of any idiotic defence force leaders who might see this thread, i will explain what islamics are.......
islamics are a bunch of fucked up mental retards who follow a murderous religion called islam, the islamic religion preaches death to infidels (unbelievers) and many or most so-called extremists are currently engaged in a "jihad".
a jihad is a so-called "holy war" waged against all those who oppose allah, which just happens to be the infidels or "unbelievers", unbelievers dont even have to blaspheme this false god allah, just not believing in the peice of shit is enough to condemn you to death in the eyes of ALL so-called extremists.
so you see, all evidence points to an islamic war against the west (us) albeit perpertrated by "islamics"..
so how can an islamic war spurned by the islamic religion be fought against us, but apparently we are not at war with the islamic religion ?
makes you wonder doesn't it......
it makes me wonder who the fuck are these idiots in charge of our defence force personnel..
respect is one thing, its also onesided, respect can not be afforded to any islamic, especially in wartime, that stupid bastard obama afforded respect to terrorists in guantomnomo, he let a heap of the arseholes go free, and now they are back killing infidels.
they say war is hell, i say send these fuckers to hell, not only should biblical scriptures be used if it upsets these arsehole islamics, but every bullet should be dipped in pigs blood...
regardless of all the pointless bullshit about islam being a peaceful religion and regardless of whatever part political correctness might play in the decisions of such things as scriptures on gun sights, the west IS at war with islam, and that is a fucking fact.
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