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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Budget spending targets radicals...

Millions of dollars will be spent trying to halt the spread of radical Islam as part of a big-spending Federal Budget package to bolster national security.

Tuesday's election-year Budget will include hundreds of millions of dollars for national security as Labor tackles concerns it has gone soft on border protection following the flood of asylum seekers in recent months, News Ltd says.

The government will announce "preventative" measures to counter the growth of radical terrorist cells across Australia.

While the government will be careful not to demonise Muslims with its policies, it's understood new programs will target the potential spread of radical extremism in the nation's jails, News Ltd says.

Some states already have their own programs, aimed at stopping the rise of radical Islam in prisons, but the Budget is expected to outline a national scheme, with religious classes and better contact between inmates and their families.


o.k. this is something that i do not agree with, and my reason for that can be read in the following message i emailed to wayne swan...

gooday swanee, this is a message for not only you, but all politicians, i hope you pass it on.

i just read in the news that hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent to stop radical islam in australia...

well heres an idea, stop letting these pedophile worshipping pricks in to my country, send all so called islamic asylum seekers back to where they come from, no questions asked, just ship the bastards back, this will cost a minimum amount compared to what you jokers propose, and if that kind of stance is taken then eventually the message will click in their pea brains that they are not welcome in australia and eventually none of them will bother trying to come here, as for islamic criminals in gaol who become so-called "radical" muslims, when they get out of gaol, exile the bastards to the middle east, including the ones who were born here and also including any converts, we dont need them, we never have.

as for the government trying to not look racist, that is the worse excuse for not handling islamic problems, and islamics ARE a problem world wide, its not racist to look after your country, its not racist to protect your country from an incompatible regime like islam, all you goody two shoes can wish all you like about islam becoming tolerant towards the rest of australia, but that is never going to happen, their filthy racist religion wont allow it, as a whole, they will never assimilate with us, just as they have never assimilated in every country they have ever immigrated to and have also caused problems in every one of those countries.

and the fact that the government acknowledges that islamic prisoners are becoming "radical" should be a warning to us all, the problem can only grow as the islamic population grows, it will never simmer down...

so i suggest that instead of wasting hundreds of millions on expanding national security, spend it on sending these bastards away where they can not plot attacks on australian soil, as i said we dont need them.

by the way, dont dissmiss my train of thought as islamaphobia, because what i reckon you jokers should do is the obvious thing to do, its just common sense, to do otherwise is to allow an enemy to live within, and eventually the money you bludgers spend will be spent on bullets that will end up in the heads of islamic enemies that foolish politicians allowed into our country..

wake up you blokes.

the answer to the islamic problem is not throwing money around, the answer is to stop bringing the bastards into our country, and to get rid of the troublemakers who are already here.

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