i would say no, because the government arseholes ostracising him are guilty of the same thing.
and i dont think its right for politicians to air their smear campaigns on public sites like youtube.....
i tried to comment but it wouldn't work, so i emailed the prick via his own internet page.
hey pal, if your going to put across your political opinion/smear campaign about abbot or anyone else on youtube, the least you can do is to allow the public to comment on your video, i tried to comment but it was unsuccsesful, so i will say it in this email.fair dinkum, i hate these two faced political sons of bitches.
well well well, listen up karl bitar and r sole smith, and listen closely, most australians are not as gullible as you theiving political fucks think we are, we all know that politicians lie, they always have, and as far as im concerned, abbot may have admitted that things said under pressure may not always be truthful, but at least he's being very fucking honest about that, so i suggest that all other political dishonest lieing arsehole cunts who at no time own up to their own dishonesties should keep their bullshit traps shut, you all live in glass houses pal, so you should all drop your stones and fuck off, and that goes for fuckwits like rudd as well.
and i mean that most sincerely.
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